Poor Mouse

Poor Mouse Now On Steam Greenlight

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Published: August 21, 2016 6:03 PM

Poor Mouse, an adventure game created by Florian Himsl (programmer of the original The Binding of Isaac), has been announced and is now on Steam Greenlight. A trailer has accompanied the announcement:


Players will be able to run, jump, and glide around an island featuring seven distinct areas. The island is chock full of things that like to eat mice such as gigantic (relatively speaking) birds of prey. However, you're not completely defenseless . You'll have the ability to use different offensive techniques to fight back such as kicks, dashes, and tail swipes. There will also be weapons available such as a sword you can hold in your tail and static gun emplacements.

Judging by the trailer, it seems like the game will feature an open world to some degree. You can visit a village full of mice and complete tasks for them, and you'll be able to rescue mice surrounded by villains. There will also be side quests to raise your reputation with the villagers and other activities such as racing against birds.

Poor Mouse is described as a "passion project of over two years". The small team includes Florian Himsl on programming and Nestor Chavez as the 3D Generalist. The music in the trailer was provided by Colin Esplin. The team hopes to release the game within a year. They state that it might possibly be released before the end of 2016 but that they want to focus on quality first and foremost. The current gameplan is to have the first of the seven areas available as an Early Access title as soon as the Greenlight campaign is successful.

What do you think of Poor Mouse? Does shooting down birds of prey with cannons appeal to you on a deep emotional level? How important is it that the mouse has an adorable little sombrero? Let us know in the comments below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N