Cinderace, Pikachu, Mr. Mime, and several other Pokemon competing in Pokemon Unite

Nintendo Switch Pokemon Unite Release Date Set

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Published: July 15, 2021 9:42 AM

We finally have a concrete Pokemon Unite release date...on Nintendo Switch, at least. The Pokemon MOBA will hit the Switch later this month and will arrive on mobile devices in September, although we don't have a specific date for the Pokemon Unite mobile release yet.

When is the Pokemon Unite release date?

Thanks to a tweet from the official Pokemon Unite Twitter account, we now have a Pokemon Unite release date: July 21st. That's when the game is hitting Nintendo Switch. That's right: you'll be able to download and play it for free from the Nintendo eShop in less than a week. What's more, if you download the game and log in prior to August 31st, you'll receive a Unite License (essentially a character unlock) for the Electric-type Pokemon Zeraora. This Pokemon's special move sends out a blast of lightning from its initial impact zone, so it's great for clearing out enemies.

Zeraora, the bonus players will receive for logging into Pokemon Unite prior to August 31st
Log in to Pokemon Unite on Nintendo Switch before August 31st and receive a Zeraora Unite License.

Since the August 31st cutoff date for Zeraora happens before the Pokemon Unite mobile release date - whenever that turns out to be - it's not clear whether this bonus will be extended to the mobile versions when they launch. Hopefully Android and iOS players won't miss out on their chance to receive the Zeraora, as it's likely to be a pretty big boost for new players' accounts. Remember, if you're a Switch player, all you've got to do is log in and play Pokemon Unite before August 31st. The game will support cross-saves, too, meaning that you'll be able to pick up your progress on mobile when the game does launch on those platforms.

What is Pokemon Unite?

Pokemon Unite is a Pokemon-themed 5v5 MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena). It takes cues from popular entries in the genre, such as League of Legends and Dota 2, but adds a unique Pokemon twist to gameplay. You'll catch, train, and battle Pokemon, but your objective this time is to score using control points dotted around the game's map. The team with the most points at the end of the match wins, so although eliminating opponents is important, it's not the primary method by which you'll gain points in Pokemon Unite.

Five players constituting a team in Pokemon Unite
Pokemon Unite will pit teams of 5 against one another in battles featuring iconic Pokemon like Greninja, Pikachu, and Charizard.

You'll be able to get your hands on this rather unique-looking take on the MOBA genre on July 21st on Nintendo Switch. Pokemon Unite is currently slated for a September release on both Android and iOS, but we don't have a specific date yet. If you do have a Switch, though, it's well worth starting your journey on that platform, even if you're planning mainly to play on mobile. We'll bring you more on this one as soon as we get it.

Are you going to be playing Pokemon Unite in a week? Let us know in the comments below!

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for several years, and in those years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Pokemon Unite
Game Page Pokemon Unite
Timi Studio Group
Release Date
July 21, 2021 (Calendar)
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