A new video has been released by The Pokemon Company for the upcoming Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon games, detailing the first stage evolved forms of the starter Pokemon, as well as some side-quest areas and a special Ash-Greninja form.
This video also confirms the return of Mega Evolutions, which are now done not by using the Mega Ring or Mega Bracelet, but through the Z-Ring, which will also be used to perform the new Z-Moves. The video, viewable below, details each of the evolved form's type and ability, show the Pokemon in battle and gives you a look at their behavior in Pokemon-Amie.
Rowlet retains its Grass/Flying typing as it evolves into Dartrix, which is described as having a "certain snobbiness in its personality" and a tendency to "retire from the battle on the spot when it loses its focus".
Litten's evolved form, Torracat, is still a pure Fire-type Pokemon and now possesses a bell-like flame sac around its neck which emits the high, clear noise of a bell when it's used to produce flames.
Finally, Popplio evolves into Brionne, a dancing "Pop Star" Pokemon. This upbeat pure Water-type Pokémon distracts its opponents with a variety of dances, before attacking them with conjured balloons.

Currently, there is no information available on these evolved forms' move sets or stats; those will likely become available as the launch date approaches. Each of these three Pokemon bears the abilities that are signature to the starter Pokemon; Dartrix has Overgrow, Torracat has Blaze, and Brionne has Torrent.
Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon also introduces a number of side-areas for players to explore, such as the Festival Plaza, which bears a strikingly similar appearance and functionality to the Join Avenue of Pokemon Black 2 and Pokemon White 2.
Here, players can earn Festival Coins by interacting with NPCs, and spend them at various shops to increase their Pokemon's Effort Values, or use them to shop for special items.
There is also a special area called the Poke Pelago, described in the video as a "paradise for the Pokemon in your PC Boxes". Poke Pelago consists of three separate islands where the Pokemon in your PC Boxes can go to relax and have fun; each isle has different effects on the main game when used.
Isle Abeens has a chance to attract wild Pokemon to join you on your quest through the Alola Regions, Isle Aphun has your Pokemon searching for various valuable items such as the Evolution Stones, and Isle Evelup puts your Pokemon through a rigorous training regiment to boost their stats' Effort Values.
Additionally, a special demo version of Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon will be made available to download from the Nintendo 3DS eShop beginning October 18th, 2016.
Much like how the Pokemon Omega Ruby and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire demo gave you a special reward for playing, the Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon demo gives you a special Greninja, which can alter its form for the duration of a battle.
Referred to as "Ash-Greninja", this Greninja form possesses the unique ability of "Battle Bond", which triggers the change to Ash-Greninja when it causes an opposing Pokemon to faint.

Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon are scheduled for a worldwide release on November 18th for the Nintendo 3DS; Europe will receive its copies of the games almost a week later on November 23rd.
Stay tuned to TechRaptor for continually updated information on Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon, and all things Pokemon.
What are your thoughts on the new first stage evolutions of the starter Pokemon? Which are you going to choose? Let us know in the comment section below.