pokemon go update togepi pichu

Pokemon GO Updates with Pichu, Togepi, and More

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Published: December 12, 2016 6:27 PM

It has been 5 months since the release of Pokemon GO, and while its mass appeal has died down significantly (though it is still one of the top apps out there), Niantic are continuing to work on the game and progress with updates. As of today, December 12, 2016, we are finally starting to see generation 2 Pokemon roll out into Pokemon GO. In an update from Niantic, they have announced that Pichu and Togepi will be available from hatching eggs, along with a few other (unnamed) selected Pokemon. In addition to Pichu and Togepi, through December 29th players can find a special holiday Pikachu with a festive Santa hat in the wild.

Professor Willow has discovered Togepi and Pichu hatching from Eggs! Starting later today, Trainers will have the opportunity to hatch these and several other Pokémon that were originally discovered in the Johto Region in Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver video games.

There are two aspects about this to keep in mind  Pichu and Togepi will only be obtainable from eggs, and the Pokemon in an egg is determined when you receive it from the PokeStop, so any eggs you currently have before the update cannot have any new Pokemon in them. Just this past weekend, Niantic released an update that adds promotional PokeStops at Starbucks.

It's been confirmed from players that evolving the Pikachu into Raichu will let it keep the special hat, and that Igglybuff and Cleffa have been hatched from 2KM eggs.

Quick Take

While I'm sure we will find out even more information from dataminers soon enough, there's a fair amount we can speculate from this update along. While we know Pichu and Togepi are in the eggs, it wouldn't be a stretch to guess that the other selected Gold and Silver Pokemon will be the other baby Pokemon. In generation two, there were eight baby Pokemon in total: Pichu, Togepi, Elekid, Smoochum, Magby, Cleffa, Igglybuff, and Tyrogue. Interestingly, Togepi is the only baby Pokemon that doesn't evolve into a generation one Pokemon, so potentially they've added 9 new Pokemon, seven of which evolve into ones that are already in the game.

I'm quite excited to see such a large update to Pokemon GO. After months of silence regarding their plans, the tracking feature, and updates in general, it's good to see that the game isn't completely dead.

| Former Staff Writer

 I've been playing games my whole life, mostly Nintendo and Playstation. My all time favorite game series are Pokemon, Infamous, Golden Sun and Persona

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Release Date
July 6, 2016 (Calendar)
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