Good news for trainers on the go — the Pokemon GO Pokemon Storage and Item Storage have had their maximum limits increased.
If you're unfamiliar with how Pokemon GO works, well... it's a free-to-play game. Understandably, the developers have to make their money somehow, and one of the ways they do that is by limiting your storage of Pokemon and items.
Much like the core titles, there's only so much room to go around. It's common practice to trade away or release Pokemon that aren't useful to keep around, but the sheer number of 'mons in the game means that most players will probably expand their storage, either by earning in-game coins through defending gyms or just spending a few bucks to buy an upgrade. Now, Pokemon GO Pokemon Storage is being increased to allow for you to hold onto even more of your friends!
The New Pokemon GO Pokemon Storage and Item Storage Limits
The announcement of the new Pokemon storage and Item storage limits was made in a tweet on the game's official account.
"Attention, Trainers!" the tweet announcing the changes begins. "The limit on Pokémon storage has now been expanded to 3000. Need more room? Item capacity upgrades now allow you to store up to 2,500 items!"
So there you have it — if you've been holding off on catching more 'mons because you were out of space, you can now grab some more upgrades and make it even bigger. Maybe it's best not to hold onto all of those Pidgeys anymore, you know?
Don't forget that it's Super Effective Week! That confers the following bonuses:
- Double Trainer Battle Stardust
- More Potions and Revives from PokéStops
- Guaranteed Charged TMs from three-star raids
Between the Supereffective Week and the changes to Pokemon and item storage, it's never been a better time to get out there and catch some new Pokemon! Have fun and stay safe!
What do you think of the new Pokemon GO Pokemon Storage limit? Do you think the Pokemon Storage and Item Limit are large enough now or do you think you would need even more space? Let us know in the comments below!