Sony PlayStation Store PS5 cover

PlayStation Store Changes Rolling Out Later in October

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Published: October 8, 2020 3:48 PM

A new version of the PlayStation Store will be launching later in October 2020 and will feature changes in how content is delivered for the PS3, PS4, and PS Vita and get it ready for the PS5 launch.

Sony has told developers that a new version of the store will be launching on the web and mobile sometime later in October 2020, Push Square reports. While there will surely be some aesthetic changes to the store's overall appearance, a major focus of this upgrade will be a change to how content is delivered for the PS3, PS4, and PS Vita.

Sony PlayStation Store PS5 slice

How is the PlayStation Store Changing?

Naturally, one of the major additions coming to Sony's digital storefront is wishlist integration for the PlayStation 5; this new feature was revealed in source code that was examined by users on Reddit and ResetEra. Another possible feature is cross-gen party chat, possibly at the system level.

These are certainly some nice additions for the next generation of PlayStation gaming, but the storefront will also be making it more difficult to access certain content. PS3 and PS Vita content will no longer be available on the web and mobile stores, although current owners of those consoles will still be able to use the built-in PlayStation Store apps for their respective machines.

As for the PS4, Push Square's report says that PS4 apps, themes, and avatars will no longer be available on the new PlayStation Store and any existing wishlist content will be cleared out prior to the launch of a new wishlist system. Presumably, PS4 games will still be available for purchase; Sony had introduced a mandate that all PS4 games must run on the PS5 earlier this year.

Players may be concerned about their existing digital content, but that should not be an issue; as with other similar services, any digital content that you own should still be able to be downloaded via your console.

There isn't much more in the way of firm details about the changes coming to the PlayStation Store. Sony will likely detail how the store will change and what that means for customers sometime later this month.

What do you think about the reported changes to the PlayStation Store? Are you disappointed that your wishlist will be cleaned out? Let us know in the comments below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N