PlayStation has announced their partnership with the smartwatch company Xplora, creators of the brightly colored, child-tracking smartwatch. In a statement released on Thursday PlayStation said they had plans to integrate the pedometer and tracking features of the Xplora 3 smartwatch into the upcoming title Aces of the Multiverse. Special perks, character, and powers in the game will be unlocked by syncing the watch with the PS4 after performing physical activity in the real world.
The game in question appears to be a soccer title featuring two brightly colored alien teams, though not much else is known about the game. The technology will also be paired with an app which can be used to track how often children are playing the game, and limit their time with it. The special integration technology, as well as a demo of the game itself, will be on display at the Mobile World Congress 2019 in Barcelona later this year, with a full release of the game expected in late 2019 in Spanish territories.
"We want children to be more active." Said the CEO of Xplora Jesús Llamazares. " We’re very proud to partner with PlayStation® as we aim to make a real change to their lives.”
The sentiment was also shared by PlayStation Ibera CMO Jorge Huguet who had this to say:
“By merging technology, a healthy lifestyle, and safety, we and XPLORA are creating a new multimodal entertainment experience that can be enjoyed both outdoors and when you get home and turn your PS4™ on. We are looking forward to seeing how these two dimensions of our players’ lives come together and create new synergies.”We can expect more details on the game after it is demoed in February 25th-28th this year.
What do you think of this partnership? Would you want your kids or younger family members playing a game like this? Let us know in the comments.