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PlayStation Now Finally Offering Subscription Plan, Coming Very Soon+TRIAL

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Published: January 5, 2015 10:35 AM

Sony has finally announced that they'll be bringing a subscription plan to their PlayStation Now service. The streaming service will be getting its subscription plans as soon as January 13th, and there will be two different plans that consumers can subscribe to; The first one being $19.99/Month, while the other will be $44.99/3 Months (Bringing the monthly cost down to around $15.00/Month).

Thus far, Sony hasn't announced plans for a yearly subscription model, which may seem odd. Perhaps they are testing the market/reaction before unveiling the full plan.

Sony has also announced that there will be a 7-day trial period at the launch, giving access to the full library of PlayStation Now. This should be an excellent opportunity for PlayStation 4 users to test out PlayStation Now before committing to anything. The option to stream titles without having to pay for a subscription will still exist, so don't worry about that.

We know that there are many PS4 owners who never owned a PS3 or had a chance to play some of the great games it offered, and this subscription provides an easy way to catch up on games you may have missed.
The streaming service has been available for a while now, and though the initial announcement gathered plenty of attention, the streaming service has been heavily criticized for its pricing of the games available.

As an extra little thing for the PlayStation crowd, anyone who downloads the free PlayStation Now theme (Which will be available early this month) will be entered into a competition to win a full year of PlayStation Now subscription. This obviously shows that we'll be getting an option for yearly subscriptions to the streaming service.

Sadly, the service will remain limited to North America for now, so us Europeans will have to wait a while longer for some PS3-on-PS4 action. For the full list of PlayStation Now titles, you can head through this link and check them all out!

Will you be subscribing to PlayStation Now on January 13th? Have you tried out the streaming service yet? Perhaps you are waiting for the service to land in the rest of the world? Let us know in the comment section below!

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I played my first video game when I was 4 years old and I haven't looked back since. If you can't find me playing videogames, writing, or playing music, I'm… More about Marc