playstation 5 mark cerny

PlayStation Next-Gen Console Tech Demo Footage Leaked

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Published: May 21, 2019 5:20 PM

Last month we reported on some news about the PlayStation next-generation console that has been in development for a while. The report showed that the planned console will not be an incremental upgrade such as the PlayStation 4 Pro. Instead, Mark Cerny, who was the lead architect of the PlayStation 4, revealed that the next PlayStation console will have "fundamental changes in what a game can be." Yesterday we had a chance to see what those changes will be as footage of the next-generation console was leaked by Japanese tech journalist Takashi Mochizuki on Twitter.

This happened at an investor conference in Tokyo, as reported by Eurogamer. The demo, or some version of it, was also reported in an exclusive Wired story last month. As we can see, the first segment is of the loading time benchmark as both the PlayStation 4 Pro and the next-gen console load the game, which has been identified as Marvel's Spider-Man (Our Review) developed by Insomniac Games. The next-generation hardware manages to surpass the PlayStation 4 hardware by almost seven full seconds, with the PlayStation 4 taking 8.1 seconds, and the next-gen hardware taking only 0.83 seconds, which improves loading times enormously, likely the result of SSD hardware.

The second segment shows how both consoles stream open world data. The fast travel segment warps through the New York map, and the streaming depends on the hardware used. As we reported, this was already mentioned by Mark Cerny, "fast-traveling between two different spots in Manhattan takes 15 seconds on the PS4 Pro. On a stripped-back next-gen dev kit, the transition supposedly takes 0.8 seconds," once again a long leap in performance.

We can also see the PDF presentation on Sony's website, which restates some of the key technical features already covered by Wired. The next-generation PlayStation hardware will have an all-new CPU/GPU, SSD, 3D audio, back-compatibility, disk support, 8K compatibility, and ray tracing. There is no other news besides this leaked footage, but it's enough to show what kind of performance leap fans can expect from their next PlayStation console.

What do you think of the footage? Will it be enough to compete with imminent technologies both in PC and cloud gaming? Let us know in the comments below!

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Richard Costa
| Staff Writer

Hack for hire, indentured egghead, maverick thoughtcriminal. Mainly interested in Western RPGs, first-person immersion, turn-based tactics, point-and-… More about Richard