It's time for spring again! That means Sony is going to run it's Spring Fever program, right? Well, mostly. While it's being renamed Launch Party 2016, the idea is the same: six indie games that are getting launched on the PlayStation 4 (and one on the PlayStation Vita as well) getting 10% discounts and a lot of advertisement.
So what games are getting the discount for this program? Six wildly varied indie games, one coming out every week. Kicking things off will be 2D Souls-like game Salt and Sanctuary which will release on March 15th. Following that will be point and click adventure classic Day of the Tentacle Remastered on March 22nd. April will kick off with twin stick roguelite Enter the Gungeon on the 5th. A week after that is action RPG Stories: The Path of Destinies. Game number five is tactical stealth game Invisible, Inc. on April 19th. Finally, ending April and the program, is co-op twin stick shooter Alienation on the 26th of April after a delay that has seen it pushed back. It should be noted that in Europe Alienation will not be offered, instead being replaced by The Secret World's spin-off horror game The Park. Each game is offered at 10% off for preordering them. All six games are available on the PlayStation 4, with only Day of the Tentacle Remastered getting a PlayStation Vita release as well (although Salt and Sanctuary does have a PlayStation Vita version in development).
Sony has been running this program, albeit under the name Spring Fever until this year, since 2009. Last year saw games like Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number, Axiom Verge, Helldivers, and Bastion get PlayStation 4 releases. It's similar to Microsoft's Summer of Arcade program, only Microsoft stopped that program back in 2013.
With this announcement, Sony also stated that the European PlayStation Store will be getting a new Totally Digital section to the PlayStation Store. This section will be used to show off digital-only games and keep them all in one neat area. Included will be a list of the best selling games that week, a place to see what games are on sale, and a place to be pre-ordering upcoming releases.
The first game available with the Launch Party 2016 program will be Salt and Sanctuary which will launch March 15th exclusively on the PlayStation 4 for the price of $17.99.
What are your thoughts on this program? Plan to pick up any of the games offered? Let us know in the comments!