PlayStation 4 sales have crossed 100 million units more than five years after its release, making it one of the fastest-selling consoles of all time and edging it ever closer to the top 5 in all-time console sales.
Originally released in November of 2013, the PlayStation 4 sought to correct many of the mistakes of its predecessor. While the PS3 used a complicated computer architecture and was about as heavy as a neutron star, the PlayStation 4 slimmed things down a bit and was much less of a headache to program for. This and a variety of other factors surely have contributed to its success — and it's getting close to being in the top 5 of all-time console sales.
ResetEra recently posted a breakdown of Sony's newest fiscal report. There's a lot of interesting data in there, and among the various tidbits and facts is the news that PlayStation 4 sales have surpassed 100 million units.
Depending on who you ask, this magical milestone puts it a hair's breadth away from the top 5 consoles in terms of sales. A list on Wikipedia notes that the Nintendo Wii occupies the No. 1 position with 101.63 million sales. At the rate that Sony is moving consoles, they may very well surpass this point in the company's next quarterly report.
Another intriguing bit of info contained in the report is the sheer amount of PS4 games that have been purchased worldwide. Add up all the numbers and you come up with one billion (with a B!) PlayStation 4 games floating out there in the world. This means that your average PS4 gamer owns ten games, although there's likely a good bit more variance in the real world.
PlayStation 4 sales are almost assured to surpass those of the Nintendo Wii and the console's own ancestor the PlayStation, but the top three positions are some tough competition. The Game Boy and Game Boy Color moved 118.69 million units, the Nintendo DS moved 154.02 million units, and the king of the hill is the PlayStation 2 with 155 million units sold. However things turn out, it's likely that Sony will occupy three of the top five spots in gaming console sales before the year is out.
What do you think of the number of PlayStation 4 sales? Have you picked up one of these consoles for yourself or are you holding back? Let us know in the comments below!