Blizzard Entertainment have implemented an updated version of player reporting in the Public Test Realm for Overwatch. This improvement makes it easier for players to report specific kinds of behavior to Blizzard, who can then act accordingly.
If you're not willing to download the PTR or are unable to access it for any reason, here's what the new report screen looks like (footage courtesy of Reddit user Arsenal2454):
As you can see above, players have been given a lot more choice when sending a report. Previously, you had a grand total of five options you can choose from on the report screen:
- Abusive Chat
- Griefing/Inactivity
- Cheating
- Spam
- Bad Battletag (offensive user ID's)
Do keep in mind that falsely reporting other players could bring down the ban hammer on you as well, so it's best not to abuse the system if you like playing Overwatch competitively.
Quick Take
It's unfortunate that competitive games like this need report systems to report abusive or otherwise unsportsmanlike (I have always wanted to use that word in a sentence) conduct. Emotions tend to run high in ranked matches, with many a game lost not due to the enemy's proficiency but due to infighting in your own team. This usually leads to people playing a match while they're angry, which isn't very conducive to fair play. The only thing worse than that are Hanzo mains, of course.What do you think of the new reporting system? Let us know in the comment section down below!