The Internet Archive has recently announced, and released, hundreds of games from old consoles right in your web browser. This includes games from the more well-known consoles like the Atari 2600, The Sega Genesis, The Sega Game Gear, and some others. But it also includes games from other consoles many may not have heard of like The Mega Duck WG-108 or The Watara SuperVision.
The Internet Archive is calling it "The Console Living Room" and you can go there and browse hundreds of games on 21 different systems. As of right now, there is no sound for the games, but The Internet Archive says that is currently being worked on.
So right now you can go to The Console Living Room, choose a game to play, and play it right there in your browser. Make sure to double check the controls for everything you play, as they vary quite widely from system to system. Also, don't be surprised to find a bug or two here and there on some games, but with this many games released at once, that is not unexpected.
Also included next to the games will be some additional information, some of the games even include the manuals if you are interested.
You're even welcome to put down your own review and rating of a game. So if you find something you particularly liked, or disliked, feel free to leave a rating and a review for that particular game.
There is not yet news that The Internet Archive plans to make more games available for your web browser, but it would not be a bad guess to assume that they may release more in the future. What they will be or when that will be is unknown if it that is the case, however.
So go right now and check out some video game history on The Internet Archive at The Console Living Room.