pvz garden warfare

Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare Garden Variety Pack DLC Released

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Published: March 19, 2014 9:00 AM

Out now, for one of my favorite multiplayer games in recent time (no not Titanfall) Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare received it's first wave of DLC and the price can not be beat.... FREE.

If you have missed my review for this EXCELLENT multiplayer class based game you can read it HERE .  Popcap and EA said they would release content and they keep that promise with the Plants Vs Zombies Garden Variety Pack featuring a new map, Chomp Town, a new game mode, Gnome Bomb, 3 new abilities for each character and new customization and cards in card packs.

More content is always welcome, and free is even better, but this update adds a decent amount of content.  The new abilities seem more like upgrades, such as the Sombrero bomb for the Peapod has a longer fuse but has a larger blast radius, a better trade off.  The chompers Goop now makes enemies stand still.  You get these abilities in the card packs which also feature new customization and even new zombies to help in Gardens and Graveyards.

Gnome Bomb is a fun chaotic mode where a gnome holding a bomb spawns in the middle and each side must race to grab it and then enter one of three areas to plant and then defend the point. It gets pretty chaotic with 12 v 12 rushing to the same point to defuse the bomb.  If your team wins you are treated to a Peggle Easter egg at the end of the round.

Chomp Town is a great map with lots of roof tops which leads to very interesting battles.  Overall this free DLC adds so much that it keeps me from playing Titanfall to unlock all the new abilities and check out the frantic battles Gnome Bomb brings.  If you still have yet to play this game I URGE YOU to check this game out! It is so much fun and with more DLC planned, Garden Warfare seems to be a game that will be around for a while!

To buy Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare click HERE

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Just the coolest nerd you'll ever meet. Army Reserve soldier/ college student. Loves anything Nintendo and Halo. Bringing my awesomeness to you!