The Clouded Leopard, which is available along with 7 other animals in the new Planet Zoo DLC pack

Planet Zoo DLC Pack Adds Southeast Asian Animals Aplenty

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Published: March 18, 2021 9:32 AM

A new Planet Zoo DLC pack has been announced. The Southeast Asia Animal Pack adds eight brand new animals, the highest number of additions in any Planet Zoo DLC so far. It will launch alongside a major free update that adds lots of new stuff to the game.

What animals have been added in the new Planet Zoo DLC?

As the name suggests, the Southeast Asia Animal Pack brings with it eight new animals hailing from that region. You'll also be able to take on a new timed scenario taking place in Malaysia, which tasks you with turning around the fortunes of a tropical rainforest zoo. Let's take a look at which animals you'll be getting if you pick this DLC pack up. We've also added some animal facts where relevant, so don't say we never learn you nothin'!

  • Clouded Leopard - an arboreal cat with a secretive, solitary disposition
  • Sun Bear - a docile, lazy bear that co-exists well with other species - you'll need lots of off-ground room for climbing
  • Proboscis Monkey - the first swimming primate in Planet Zoo, needs to be kept in groups as a highly sociable species
  • Giant Malaysian Leaf Insect - the only new exhibit animal in the pack, an insect that has evolved to resemble a leaf
  • Binturong - one of only two carnivores in the world possessing a prehensile tail
  • Ussuri Dhole - the largest subspecies of dhole with a fluffy winter coat and a lean, coarse summer coat
  • North Sulawesi Babirusa - an animal resembling a pig, complete with two sets of tusks
  • Malayan Tapir - the largest species of tapir, and adorable into the mix. Who doesn't love tapirs?
The new proboscis monkey in the Planet Zoo DLC Southeast Asian Animals Pack
The unique-looking proboscis monkey has some complex needs, but it's an adorable, sociable addition to your Planet Zoo park.

All eight of these animals will, of course, require habitats to be built, and you'll have to look after them and tend to their needs if you want to keep them (and, by extension, your patrons) happy. These animals have been much-requested by the Planet Zoo community, so if you've been hankering for a proboscis monkey enclosure, now you can have one. The Planet Zoo Southeast Asia Animal Pack retails for $9.99 and launches via Steam on March 30th.

What's in the free Planet Zoo update?

Alongside the new DLC, a free Planet Zoo update is also coming. Update 1.5 brings lots of new tweaks and improvements including multiple zoo entrances, new scenario rewards, and video billboards, among other things. You'll also find another brand new scenario, Bernie's First Steps, in which you'll need to turn an early version of Goodwin House into a successful park. If you want to check out the full details of the new content update, you can do so right here.

Planet Zoo is available to buy right now on PC via Steam. It'll set you back $44.99. Note that you will, of course, need a copy of the base game if you want to play the new DLC or check out the features in the new update.

Will you be checking out the Planet Zoo Southeast Asia Animal Pack? Let us know in the comments below!

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for several years, and in those years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph

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Release Date
November 5, 2019 (Calendar)
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