Details on the Phasmophobia Christmas Update have been revealed -- four new Cursed Possessions and some new Ouija Board questions are on the way alongside some other new content.
Phasmophobia has been out in Steam Early Access for a little over a year. In the time since its launch, Kinetic Games has debuted a spooky new Prison level, made ghosts better hunters, and added new ghosts on top of that. Now, we've learned some details about what's coming for Christmas.
What's Coming in the Phasmophobia Christmas Update?
The first major addition in the Phasmophobia Christmas Update is four new Cursed Possessions. One will be a Tortured Voodoo Doll and the other will be a Summoning Circle; the other two additions are currently listed as "Redacted" in the Trello card for the update.
That's not all that's arriving, though! Aside from some new Ouija Board questions and other unspecified additions, the Reddit discussion about the update has highlighted a recent poll from the developers about the current state of the game on its official Discord server. Three questions were asked of the community, each of which got overwhelming responses in one direction; here are the standings at the time of writing:
Would you play Asylum more or less if we halved the size of it?
- Much more (11,956)
- More (3,929)
- The same amount (1,021)
- Less (194)
- Much less (152)
- Don't make it smaller (2,189)
When we rework the house maps, do you like the idea of themes for each house for more visual variety? Such as: Bleasedale becoming abandoned / Willow having modern furniture / Tanglewood being more traditional etc
- Yes (18,689)
- No (201)
What would you prefer us to do first?
- Create one new map (2,496)
- Rework all current maps (17,584)
If Kinetic Games decides to follow along with the community's votes, we'll likely see it revisit the existing maps to improve the overall experience in lieu of making new maps for the game. In the meantime, there's still plenty of great content to enjoy in the game -- you can buy Phasmophobia for PC via Steam at the price of $13.99 or your regional equivalent.
What do you think of the new content coming in the Phasmophobia Christmas Update? Would you prefer to see new maps or should the existing maps be reworked? Let us know in the comments below!