Recently, Wooden Dragon, Community Manager for Owlcat Games, has announced that Beneath the Stolen Lands, the third and final Pathfinder: Kingmaker DLC, would be delayed from this month to sometime in May. Owlcat's explanation mentioned some of the various factors as laid out below:
Multiple factors have influenced this decision. We don’t have much experience with procedurally generated dungeons, and the game’s engine wasn’t originally built to support such content. Our goal – to make the DLC endlessly repeatable –demands that we hit a high standard of replayability, and that puts additional pressure on our game designers. Last but not least, we feel that we need to make more time for testing and quality assurance.
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Beneath the Stolen Lands is the third Pathfinder: Kingmaker DLC, with the previous two, The Wildcards ($7.99) and Varnhold's Lot ($11.99) releasing on December 14, 2018 and February 28, 2019 respectively. Given that the season pass is $24.99, one could easily assume that Beneath the Stolen Lands will probably cost at least $4.99.
Beneath the Stolen Lands will release sometime next month on Steam for PC and Mac. If you want to learn more about it, check out our look at it.
Quick Take:
This is the right move to make. If they can afford to push the release back to make it better, then they should push the release back. In the words of Shigeru Myamoto: "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad," something that Owlcat Games seems to have learned since Kingmaker's troubled release last September.What do you think of this news? Have you played Pathfinder: Kingmaker? Let us know in the comments!