Overwatch has been a big success for Blizzard so far, and they continue to work on improving the game. With the introduction of their first new post-launch character in Ana Amari after a short period on PTR, the game was ready for some more tuning.
This tuning began with adjusting both the new character Ana and consistent problem child McCree. With a few weeks of play, Blizzard was ready to make their decision on her current power level and that she needed a bit of a boost. The boosts they give her will help both her attacking and healing ability. What they've done is increase her Rifle's rate of fire by 20% while also increasing the magazine size by 2 to a total of 10. By increasing both of these at a consistent rate, they are boosting the rate of play without necessarily requiring huge changes in what users are doing, as in the same amount of time you now can just fit in two extra bullets.
While Ana has been very well received, she was showing to be a little bit weaker overall. In addition to helping her feel better to play, these changes should also increase her healing and damage output. —Blizzard Developer Comments
McCree, on the other hand, was in need of another minor nerf. McCree has been by far the most adjusted character since launch, as he's already been nerfed before, and then they tried to manipulate him upwards again, which created a different problem. The problem was that by increasing McCree's range, by increasing his damage falloff range, he became too good at picking off foes from a distance. So they decreased that range by 10 meters, which puts his effective range higher than it was at launch, but lower than he had been of late. They also increased his alternate fire's rate of fire by 15% and decreased the recovery time on Flashbang by 0.15 seconds from 0.5 to 0.35.
McCree’s latest range increase helped him quite a bit, but it was a bit too much in the right hands. This change weakens his long range damage somewhat, but still keeps it stronger than it has been in the recent past. The other changes combine to allow him to land more alternate fire shots on targets that he has hit with Flashbang —Blizzard Developer Comments
There were also a handful of minor bug fixes. First, apparently you aren't supposed to instantly recover when damaged when asleep by Ana's Sleep Dart. The recovery time is now properly enabled at 0.5 seconds. They also fixed a UI issue with ATI cards and a bug that was causing some models to not load properly.
If you want to learn more about Ana, read our character highlight on her and stay tuned to TechRaptor for all your Overwatch needs!