Overwatch summer games cover

Overwatch Summer Games Announced!

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Published: August 2, 2016 7:08 PM

The very first seasonal event for Overwatch has begun! With no warning or announcement, Overwatch's Summer Games update has launched, and with it, 100 new cosmetic Loot Box items, and a brand new game mode known as LucioBall. 

The Overwatch Summer games start today, August 2nd, and ends on August 22nd.

Summer Games Loot Boxes are guaranteed to have at least 1 Summer Games themed cosmetic such as a hero holding a gold medal, or one of the special Summer Skins. You can view all the items in the hero gallery, however, you cannot purchase them with credits in the game.

Overwatch summer games

Lucio Ball is the new weekly game mode (or brawl as the game calls them) that is completely different from any other weekly game mode to date. It's essentially soccer, though it actually feels very reminiscent of Rocket League. Two teams of three Lucios use their fists and Knock-Back ability to try and launch the ball into the enemy goal. You can grind on the walls for a huge acceleration and you can jump on the bounce pads to get into the air. Lastly, your ultimate can pull the ball towards yourself.

Here is the original announcement video:


Quick Take

I played a few games of Lucio Ball, and I have to say it is loads of fun. You can actually gain a lot by playing the game like soccer, have one player play as a goalie and 2 players on offense or defense as needed. Pass the ball to your teammates and line up shots, it's honestly one of the more creative game modes Overwatch has done to date! I've found that the real strategy in Lucio Ball comes from using the walls and the bounce pads to navigate the field. If you need to cross the field really fast, go back and use a wall or bounce pad, it's honestly faster than using your "Raising the volume" skill.

I'm really excited to see what other Seasonal games they do, maybe Track and Field with Tracer, or a Curling game with Zarya in the winter.


| Former Staff Writer

 I've been playing games my whole life, mostly Nintendo and Playstation. My all time favorite game series are Pokemon, Infamous, Golden Sun and Persona

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PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC
Release Date
May 24, 2016 (Calendar)
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