The Overwatch Summer Games 2019 skins and event are here! This year's event is a little more muted than previous years and it makes some fundamental changes to the overall event, although there isn't really much in the way of exciting new content.
To start, the way skins are earned has been slightly changed. The Legendary Skins will still be available in loot boxes as usual, but the Epic Skins can now only be earned by completing challenges similar to Baptiste's Reunion Challenge or D.Va's Nano Cola Challenge. Aside from getting yourself some sweet Overwatch Summer Games 2019 skins, you'll also be able to score a unique spray for the first three and six wins, respectively. Reaper's new Epic skin is up for the first week, although the offerings overall are a little bit weak.
Overwatch Summer Games 2019 Skins - Legendaries
[gallery columns="2" link="file" size="full" ids="309107,309104,309106,309105"]This year, there are only four Legendary skins made available. Once again, Blizzard shows that sex sells by releasing the hottest skin in the game so far: Surf 'N' Splash Torbjörn. Fans have been jokingly asking for a sexy Torb skin for ages now and it's nice to finally get one.
Overwatch Summer Games 2019 Skins - Epics
[gallery link="file" size="full" ids="309110,309109,309108"]As discussed above, the Epic Skins will only be available through weekly challenges. This week's challenges will earn you the Reaper Epic skin with Mei's and Reinhardt's to follow in subsequent weeks.
Players of the event can also score a couple of new emotes: Orisa doing dressage moves like a horse and Zarya doing Burpees. As for new highlight intros, there's only the one: Baptiste throwing his Immortality Field like a discus.
Aside from the new skins, the Lúcioball event (as well as the Competitive version Copa Luciúball) are returning once again. If you're curious as to whether or not we're getting new gameplay content, you're going to be disappointed. We just get Lúcioball again for the fourth year in a row; there isn't even a new arena for players to enjoy.
Of course, the event has been deployed via a patch which also features some other changes. The only real major feature is the debut of subtitles alongside the event itself; they're available for Critical Gameplay, Critical Gameplay, and Conversations, or Everything. Read the full patch notes for all of the other minor bugfixes and changes.
You can watch the trailer for the Overwatch Summer Games 2019 below. Find out more about the event over at the Overwatch website. The event ends on August 5, 2019.
What do you think of the Overwatch Summer Games 2019 skins? Are you disappointed with this year's event? Let us know in the comments below!