The protagonist of One Punch Man, Saitama, is an absurdly powerful, completely invincible bald guy that obliterates anything that gets in his way. A fighting game starring this caped baldy certainly has a dilemma: how does one balance a character that simply cannot be beaten? Yet somehow, it appears that the mad geniuses at Bandai Namco found a way.
Bandai Namco released a Gamescom trailer for One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows, a fighting game starring various characters from the anime One Punch Man. In it, we see how Saitama is utilized in the core gameplay. He is completely invincible and destroys everything in one punch, but it's going to take some time before you can use his incredible abilities.
One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows utilizes the Hero Arrival System. As the fight carries on, Saitama is making his way over to the battlefield. By doing better in battle using combos and perfect guards, Saitama will speed up, thus hastening his arrival time to finish the fight. It's about surviving long enough and doing well in order for Saitama to punch his foes.
This fighter also features 3v3 battles with iconic characters like Mosquito Girl and Hellish Blizzard. This trailer also showed off several new characters, belonging to the S-Class in the Hero Association. We see Silver Fang, a master of martial arts, the supernatural Terrible Tornado, and lastly the Atomic Samurai. Of course, other characters such as the Mumen Rider and Genos make an appearance in the game.
We still don't know One Punch Man: The Hero Nobody Knows' release date, but it seems to be coming along well. Likely, it'll launch sometime next year, although we know it will be available on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
Quick Take
I love it. One Punch Man was my first true anime, as I arrived on the anime scene very late in my life. It's pure fun, plain and simple, and I see that One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows adheres to those principles. I'm terrible at fighting games but this seems like one that I can play casually, since the anime itself doesn't take itself serious.Are you going to play One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows? Let us know in the comments below!