Have you ever wanted to play a video game while watching a concert at the same time? Well, good news for you, World of Tanks is offering that opportunity with The Offspring.
Yes, The Offspring. Announced on their Twitter account, The Offspring will play a virtual concert inside World of Tanks starting on September 18th. What songs will they play? How will you get to see this concert in the middle of a battle? What happens if a tank shoots the stage? Is it pre-recorded or live? None of these details have been revealed yet. But does any of that matter when you get to listen to Offspring songs in the middle of World War 2? Historically accurate!
This isn't the first time that video games have seen virtual concerts. On February 2nd EDM producer Marshmello held a live concert in the game Fortnite, something that was rather impressive and paved the way for more live concerts to be held in video games. Sadly, there's only been one follow-up act in another game, and it was, well... Korn. Last month Korn played a concert in both AdventureQuest 3D and AdventureQuest Worlds, which was... certainly a band playing in some video games. Maybe more forgotten bands from the 80's and 90's will find a way to revitalize their brand using live video game concerts. Or maybe they won't.
World of Tanks is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, iOS, and Android devices. The Offspring concert starts on September 18th. Join the event here.
Do you think this crossover is going to go far, kid? Is there a chance that the game isn't alright? Did you have an awkward teenage year where you had all the lyrics to Come Out and Play memorized, or was that just me? Let us know in the comments below!