If you've been looking for a game to give you a scare, Ode to a Moon may be just what you're looking for. More importantly, you can give it a shot today.
Releasing a free demo today on Steam, you can get a chance to give the game a shot. You play as a photojournalist sent to a rural town to cover a fall festival timed with a lunar eclipse. What initially seems like a boring assignment takes a twisted turn when the town begins to go mad, leaving you to figure out what on Earth happened. The game is based on various true stories, with the developer citing places like Machimoodus State Park and other weird events he's seen in New England. If you want a chance to see what the game looks like in action, a new trailer has been released as well. You can see the trailer below:
The game is being developed by Colorfiction, developers of several weird first-person games. Their most notable title was 0°N 0°W, a first-person exploration game where you would get a chance to check out various dream-like settings. The game didn't have a story or anything to tie it together but was noted for its impressive dreamlike settings and trippy feel. Their other games include Becalm, a quiet relaxing trip in a sailboat towards the sunset, The Sands of Voltark where you explored a lost planet, and Endzone, where you were a football player trying to get through a maze to score a touchdown.
Ode to a Moon is set to come out sometime in 2020 exclusively on PC.
How do you feel about Ode to a Moon? Are you properly creeped out? Do you think you'll give the demo a shot? Let us know in the comments below!