Oculus Rift

Oculus Rift's Latest Update Removes Hardware Checking DRM

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Published: June 26, 2016 9:30 AM

One of the hot topics in the current Virtual Reality scene is visor compatibility. Both the HTC Vive and the Oculus Rift have in their store games exclusive to their platforms and, of course, this created a lot of noise in the online communities. Oculus, especially, received a wave of disapproval when, in one of the recent patches, they updated their software to check if an Oculus Rift visor was connected to the PC before launching an Oculus exclusive game. This was in attempt to contrast the spread of the Revive software that made Rift games compatible with the HTC Vive. Oculus, with their latest patch, seem to have backed down on this decision and declared that they will not implement new hardware checking DRM in the future.

As mentioned, Oculus originally implemented this DRM as a retaliation to Revive, a project aimed to make Rift games compatible with the Vive. By adding this DRM, users were forced to have an Oculus visor connected to the PC to launch exclusive games even when using Revive. This limitation was quickly averted shortly after by the Revive developer (that goes by the name of LibreVR). In an update released shortly after, the software was made capable of not only make the games compatible with the Vive, but to bypass the hardware check DRM altogether. This had an unintended consequence: it made piracy way easier.

By going around Oculus' DRM, it became possible to use Revive to run pirated copies of Rift games. Revive developer discouraged users to use his software for that purpose but, at the same time, claimed that circumventing was the only option to keep the project alive. Now that Oculus backtracked on this decision, LibreVR brought the software to the previous build and deleted from github the binaries that made piracy possible since it's no longer necessary.

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| Former Staff Writer

Gamer since I can remember and now writer for your enjoyment. Can't say more. Those games will not play themselves