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Ocarina of Time has a new glitch found

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Published: September 9, 2014 9:00 AM

How would you react if you found a new glitch in a major game known for being ran exceedingly fast while live on a stream site?

Twitch/YouTube user 808Tokyoboi found out first hand last Sunday, when during a live, blindfolded speed run, he managed to find an never-before-known “Out of Bounds” glitch in Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

The purpose of a speed run, is to complete a game with as fast of a time as possible. In some cases, these runs can use a varying number of “Glitches”, issues within the game’s programming, to create an advantage, such as walking through a wall, infinite stamina for running, or even killing a boss with a single hit. Speed Demos Archive, one of the leading groups that preform speed runs, runs an event every year that raises money for charities by web-casting speed-runs.

Originally trying to glitch through a climbable wall, Tokyoboi ends up being hit by a flaming bat, causing him to be knocked through the ceiling of the level while mid-glitch. Entering an unknown area above the level, he confusedly begins to examine the entire new area while remaining blindfolded. Did we mention that he states he was drunk when all of this occurred?! Unfortunately, this glitch proved to be game breaking, forcing Tokyo to have to reset. Costing him valuable time on his run.

The fastest speed run time for an Ocarina of Time is currently held by Youtube/Twitch user, and SDA member “Cosmo”, at 18 minutes and 10 seconds. This is an “Any% Run” meaning that the runner can obtain any percentage before completing the game.

As of writing. There has been no known advantage found to using this glitch, but knowing speed runners, they might show this glitch as sort of a fun thing to show off at an event like Awesome Games Done Quick.

So how would you react if you were running a game while blindfolded and came across a glitch like this? Let us know in the comments below!

Check out the recorded video of the event (Warning: NSFW Language) [Source: 808tokyoboi].

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I'm studying Game Design and Development - Interactive Storytelling, and have an undeclared minor at this point. I love all types of video games, and… More about Torey

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Learn More About The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Release Date
November 21, 1998 (Calendar)
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