No Man's Sky Update 3.82 has arrived, building on the recent Sentinels update by making the robotic antagonists just a little more dangerous.
While some No Man's Sky updates add new content, others focus on improving existing mechanics such as the Synthesis Update or the Prisms Update. Hello Games launched one such update late last week with the debut of No Man's Sky Sentinels Update, improving the titular robotic enemies and adding several new versions of the deadly machines to the game. Now, a follow-up has arrived for that major patch, -- and this one makes the bad guys a little tougher.
What's New in No Man's Sky Update 3.82?
No Man's Sky Update 3.82 fixes a number of bugs and issues with the Sentinel Update, but Hello Games also took the time to do a little bit of balancing, too.
A key part of the update is a one-two punch of balancing and bugfixing. The damage levels of Sentinels have been tweaked to make them more of a challenge for stronger players. Adding to this is a fix to Sentinel navigation in caves and buildings. This means that Sentinels aren't just stronger now -- they'll have an easier time hunting you down if you run for cover.
Improvements to murderous robots aside, this patch also has fixes for a number of bugs and crashes in the game. Some of these bugs are truly amusing; one bug could potentially teleport players outside of certain space stations. As in outside outside. In space.
A number of other changes and fixes are in this update, too. You can read the full No Man's Sky Update 3.82 patch notes for all the fine details. If you haven't yet jumped into the game, now's a great time to get started -- especially because the game is on sale for 50% off until the end of the month. You can buy No Man's Sky for PC and consoles via its official website.