The illusive exploration game No Man's Sky has officially been given a release date! You'll be able to lift off into uncharted territory on the 21st of June.
In a post on the official PlayStation blog, Hello Games CEO Sean Murray shares some new details on the game now that the press embargo has lifted. Murray confirms what many already guessed; No Man's Sky will have a retail release in addition to the digital release, so if you like stacking boxes on your shelf you will have the option to do so.
A blog manager for Sony also wrote a lengthy blog post detailing some of the social features in No Man's Sky. Even though the chance of meeting other players is incredibly small (below 1%, if an interview Murray did with Brad Shoemaker of Giant Bomb is any indication), you won't completely be alone on your journey to the center of the galaxy. The game will feature npc's who are in turn part of factions that you can trade with, do missions for, or fight against in your travels. These AI-controlled races are, true to form, also randomly generated by the game's algorithms. The implementation of other races means that you'll be coming across factions that don't speak your language, and as such, communication is pretty hard to do.
This is why Hello Games have devised a language system that requires you to learn these alien languages to communicate with the npc's you come across. Learning these languages happens as you explore the universe, find artifacts belonging to those races and by interacting with them regularly. Becoming proficient at a language means that you'll be given preferential treatment by them, which in turn allows you to buy items or equipment from them at lower prices. If you somehow manage to get lost in translation, situations may result in violence or in you being ripped off by the alien playing you for a fool. Each species is different, and each species values different things that need to be taken into account when interacting with them. If you're worried that you're going to have trouble with remembering all the intricacies that come with learning a new language, you can rest easy; learning a language is as easy as finding direct translations, and Hello Games are fully expecting players to compile helpful guides on the internet as soon as the game releases.
No Man's Sky is available for preorder now via the PlayStation Store or via Steam for $59,99. With the release date etching forever closer, we're sure to hear more details about the game in the coming weeks!
Are you looking forward to the game? Why are/aren't you? Let us know in the comments!