the lost child

NIS America Announce Final Three PlayStation Vita Physicals

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Published: November 13, 2018 9:12 PM

It's been a heartbreaking year for PlayStation Vita fans. Console production is ending in the West, games will no longer be released as part of PS Plus, and the final nail in the coffin, physical game cartridge production will end next year. This year many publishers released digitally only on Sony's portable console, or they made the Switch entirely. However, it's not all doom and gloom for PlayStation Vita owners. As physical production comes to an end, many publishers are rushing to release their final games before the deadline. NIS America is no different as they recently announced that three games they previously released as digital only will now be released physically.

Penny Punching Princess PlayStation Vita
Money speaks louder than strength in Penny Punching Princess

First is The Lost Child a dungeon crawling, RPG based in the El Shaddai world. The pre-order for the limited edition which comes with an art book and soundtrack originally sold out in hours. However, due to popular demand, NIS America has announced extra stock which is now available on the NIS online store. Standard Editions are set for pre-order at a later date.

Second, we have Penny Punching Princess a pixel art brawler with a twist. Beating up enemies rewards you with cash, which you can then spend to bribe enemies into fighting for your side. Money left over at the end of the level can be used to forge new kinds of armor.

Finally, we have The Longest Five Minutes. In this old-school style RPG, there is no need to grind up your levels. Instead, all of the action takes place in flashbacks along different parts of your journey. Levels gained, items bought and items equipped do not carry across between memories so you can play in the moment.

The Longest Five Minutes Screenshot
Remember your journey in the Longest Five Minutes

The announcement of these physical releases was warmly welcomed by PlayStation Vita fans many of whom had skipped out on these releases earlier in the year as they were digital only. Not only will they be released physically but they will all also be given a price drop. Digitally these three games were priced at between $39.99 - $49.99, but with the announcement of the physical releases, the standard editions will be $29.99 across the board.

What do you think? Will you be picking up NIS America's final PlayStation Vita Releases? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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| Former Staff Writer

Georgina is a former writer for TechRaptor, you can find her on Twitter!