Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Switch Third Party Games Starting To Get Revealed

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Published: December 13, 2016 12:05 AM

Two new Nintendo Switch games, one exclusive and one coming to PC as well, were revealed from two developers that were not included in the image shown at the Switch reveal. Both games that were announced are indie games, which makes the future of the Switch as a place for indie games look promising.

Seasons of Heaven
Image Courtesy of Gameblog

The first game is a Nintendo Switch exclusive from French studio Any Arts Production called Seasons of Heaven. Thanks to French site Gameblog, we were able to learn a little bit about Seasons of Heaven's story. The game puts you into the shoes of Yann, a boy with Asperger's Syndrome and his French bulldog Ani; both Yann and Ani will be playable throughout the game. The game is actually based off of a French novel of the same name, that's description on Amazon says:

Seasons of Heaven will take you from deep inside of a mystical forest at the beginning of time all the way through to the twenty-first century and the fall of civilization. It will take you on a journey with Yann, a young boy with Asperger’s syndrome and his faithful companion, Ani, a French bulldog who Yann is able to communicate with through telepathy. As you follow along on their journey you’ll have the opportunity to meet the rest of the major players and bear witness to the enlightenment of some and the demise of others.
If the game attempts to stay faithful to the book, it will probably be very story-driven and will try to give a thought-provoking look at the actions of humans on Earth. Nico Augusto, the author of the book, is a Creative Director at Any Arts Production, which will likely help the game stay accurate to the book. Any Arts Production has also tweeted that we can expect more information on Seasons of Heaven sometime this week.

The second game that was announced was The Sacred Hero by developer SimplisticThe Sacred Hero is not going to be a Switch exclusive, with Simplistic planning to bring the game to PC as well. There's not much information on the game as of yet, but as the developer describes it,"Enter the world of The Sacred Hero in 2018, a unique adventure game that twists the conventions of the RPG genre." The game is being developed by Kane J. Goodridge, a 16 year old from the UK. Goodridge spoke to Nintendo Time recently saying:

The trailer released last night was a very early preview of a very ambitious title. Due to it being so early, that is the explanation behind the poor FPS and placeholder 3D models (such as the Ordon Sword from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess) – both of which will be fixed later in development. The Sacred Hero is aiming to change the RPG genre due to its unique gameplay and presentation that will be shown off more in the coming months.
It's evident The Sacred Hero wants to bring something new to the RPG landscape, with Simplistic tweeting, "#TheSacredHero involves the player never obtaining a sword/weapon. The attack method offers a completely unique experience." Goodridge also told Nintendo Time that he is looking to put out a more informative trailer in early January.

What do you think of these two newly revealed games? Do you think the Nintendo Switch will be a good platform for indie developers to develop for when it launches? Let us know in the comments!

Kyle Downey TechRaptor
| Staff Writer

Staff Writer looking to keep you both informed and entertained. Favorite games include: Pokemon, Overwatch, Golden Sun, Portal, and Elder Scrolls.