Not tired of getting free games on the Epic Game Store yet? Good news, there's more coming. While you can nab 6 different Batman games today, next week there's two more games waiting for you.
Starting on September 26th two games will be free to grab. The first is indie hit and maker of hilarious titles, Everything. Created by developer David O'Reilly, and published by Double Fine, Everything is a game where you play as, well... everything. You can take control of anything in the world, from bears to ladybugs, and they roll around the world in a hilariously not-animated style. While you do this, the game plays audio clips by philosopher Alan Watts, giving you something thought-provoking to listen to. Is it great gameplay? Eh. But it's certainly a really unique experience, and worth seeing at least once.
If you're not into artsy experimental games, you can always grab the other free game available that week, which is Metro 2033 Redux. A first-person shooter set in post-apocalyptic Russia, you take the role of Artyom as he tries to survive inside of the Russian metro system. The game was quite popular when it came out back in 2010, and the Redux version sees improvements made in the sequel brought back to the original game. If you want to know more you can read our review about it here. If you end up enjoying it, you can also pick up both Metro Last Light Redux and Metro Exodus.
Everything and Metro 2033 Redux will be free on Epic Games Store from September 26th to October 3rd. You can still grab the Arkham and LEGO Batman games until then.
How do you feel about next week's free games? Are you going to grab Everything? What about Metro 2033? Not interested in either game? Let us know in the comments below!