Sid Shurman, the Senior Director at SIE Content Communications, has announced that PlayStation's State of Play will be returning on Wednesday, October 27 at 2:00 PM PT, 5:00 PM ET, and 11:00 PM CEST. The broadcast will be available on Twitch and YouTube, so viewers will be spoiled for choice on which platform they want to watch Sony's broadcast lag out on. I kid, I kid, but after the PlayStation Showcase last month, there's probably going to be more excitement than usual for this State of Play.
If you want an example of a recent third-party State of Play, you should check February 2021's article out here.
What's going to be announced for the November State of Play?
While obviously there are no specifics, what we do know is that it will be focused on updates for upcoming third-party PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 games, which is kind of a bummer. No first-party announcements, I'm afraid. There also won't be any PSVR 2 announcements, which we should see more out of from studios like Firesprite sooner or later. Still, there's going to be a "few reveals from our partners around the world", so we have that to look forward to at least.
The show will only be around 20 minutes or so, which is also a bit sad as it's a short show, but at least Sony is being up-front with us about this. Basically, for those who want a TLDR: this State of Play is going to be a short show and it'll show up some third-party games with a few surprises.
Shurman also noted that the broadcast "may include copyrighted content (e.g. licensed music)", so anyone streaming the broadcast may encounter some interference during or after the broadcast. Shurman advises streamers to omit any copyrighted music, which is a good idea anyway but a nice reminder from a megacorporation like Sony.
As for TechRaptor, we'll be covering it, so there'll be a nice long article full of details covering all of the November State of Play announcements. Stay tuned.
What do you think of this announcement? Are there any third-party games you want Sony to show? Let us know in the comments!