Ace Attorney 6

Next Phoenix Wright Game Releases September 8

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Published: August 13, 2016 6:15 PM

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice is the next title in the famed court room drama series, and it will be coming September 8th on Nintendo 3DS for all users. The series features a mixture of adventure and visual novel play set in a fictional world with a rich cast of characters that players have gotten to know over the years, but Capcom is attempting to make Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice available for those who are new to the series.

Continuing a recent trend in games, on August 25th, there will be a free demo of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice available on the Nintendo 3DS. This demo will feature a portion of the first courtroom scenario, and let players try out the new gameplay feature, Divination Séances. These happen in the Pheonix sections of the games, as in Khura'in all trials are done with séances. The player has to explore the last few minutes of life in the Royal Priestess' séances and discover the contradictions and discrepancies between them and the Royal Priestess' Insight. 

Ema Sky returns
Ema Skye returns

Back at Wright Anything Agency, Apollo is joined with a mixture of new and returning characters. While the Séances focus more on mysticism, these sections utilize forensic science, such as dusting crime scenes for fingerprints, examining items at full 360 degrees, and more. To help out on the forensics side is Ema Skye, who first appeared in the original Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney and has not passed her exams to become a forensic investigator. She will team up with Apollo and Athena to help defend Phoenix's adopted daughter, Trucy Wright, as an unfortunate incident took place at one of her magic shows with a co-performer called Mr Reus. 

Pheonix Wright dust for prints

Other characters include the return of Maya Fey, and new character Bonny de Famme, who is a fledgling magician and wants to help Apollo in any way she can. 

Pheonix Wright - Bonny
New Character Bonny de Famme

Stay tuned to TechRaptor to learn more about Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice as it nears its release.


What do you think of the Pheonix Wright series? Do you plan on trying out the demo? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Don Parsons
| Senior Writer

A longtime lover of speculative fiction, in almost all its forms, Don joined TechRaptor in 2014 on a whim sending in an application as he was looking for… More about Don

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice
Nintendo 3DS
Release Date
September 8, 2016 (Calendar)
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