New World Datamine PTR New Zone Trade Skills cover

New World Datamine Details New Zone, Trade Skill Changes

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Published: November 11, 2021 2:40 PM

Another New World datamine has arrived and this one is from the game's PTR server, revealing imagery of the new zone Brimstone Sands and some major changes coming to Trade Skills.

It's been a busy few weeks for the people behind New World. While there have been some problems with game-breaking exploits, there have also been serious efforts to fix bugs and a public test realm has launched. Interestingly, dataminers have also discovered some upcoming content hosted on that shiny new PTR server.

New World Datamine PTR New Zone Trade Skills slice
Brimstone Sands looks like it could be pretty cool.

What We Learned From the Latest New World Datamine

The New World datamine has uncovered a fair amount of information about the game. One of the key discoveries is imagery of Brimstone Sands as shown on Reddit, a desert biome that hasn't quite been populated just yet. Earlier this year, a YouTuber used an exploit to run through the as-yet-uncompleted biome.

That's just the start for the New World datamine, though. A handful of balance changes are being tested out; here's a tentative list:

  • Sword Leaping Strike CD: 25->18s
  • Warhammer Mighty Gavel CD: 22->20s
  • Hatchet Rending Throw CD: 15->8s
  • Musket PowerShot CD: 15->12s
  • Musket ShooterStance CD: 20->18s
  • Musket StoppingPower CD: 18->15s
  • Bow RapidShot CD: 20->14s
  • Bow PoisonShot CD: 35->30s
  • Rapier Slash CD: 11->6s
  • Rapier Riposte CD: 20->12s
  • Ice Gauntlet IceShower CD: 20->30s
  • Lifestaff SacredGround:
    • Cast Distance: 20->25m
    • Duration: 15s->12s
  • Greatsword Offense Attack: 5 stamina
  • "Slow" status effect: -0.1->-0.5 movespeed

Stunningly, the devs are going to make what will likely be an unpopular change: they're going to increase the amount of XP needed to level up Trade Skills. Weapon Smithing is cited as an example; previously, it would take 43,400 experience to reach the max level. The changes being tested are going to raise that to 176,400 -- more than four times the original cost. (RuneScape fans sympathize, I'm sure.) On the upside, however, it appears that they're also working on Trade Skill levels beyond 200 as a chest reward when leveling up.

A number of other cosmetics and other changes have been discovered; you can read about everything discovered in this New World datamine on Reddit. If you haven't yet jumped into the game, you can buy New World for PC via its official website starting at $39.99 or your regional equivalent.

What do you think of the discoveries in today's datamine? Do you like the look of Brimstone Sands? Let us know in the comments below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Release Date
September 28, 2021 (Calendar)
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