Uncharted 4 preview shows off Driving

New Uncharted 4 Trailer Shows-Off Driving, Stealth, and Open World Hub

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Published: April 6, 2016 8:45 AM

This week, Sony PlayStation has released a 16 minute long gameplay preview for Naughty Dog's upcoming Uncharted 4: A Thief's End.

The gameplay preview shows off more of Uncharted 4's teased driving mechanics (which was previewed at last years E3), as series protagonist Nathan Drake explores outposts within the island of Madagascar. Within this preview, we can see that title has adopted a similar open world hub to The Last Of Us, as we see our main character drive all around the Islands terrain and investigate locations at any point in the drive.

In addition to the driving, the preview went on to showcase some of the new stealth mechanics heading to Uncharted 4. Similar to titles such as Metal Gear Solid V, Nathan can use the scope of his sniper rifle to tag certain enemies within his line of sight. This then leaves a mark to which players can track enemy movements, and perform the necessary stealth attacks.

As usual with any Uncharted game, the preview showed off the titles dynamic dialogue sequences, which are activated through performing various actions within the games world. These dialogue sequences are highlighted in particular instances through Nathan, Sully, and Sam, and their comments regarding Nathans driving ability throughout the muddy terrain.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is set for release on May 10th for the PlayStation 4.

Quick Take

With every new installment that Naughty Dog puts out, I'm always finding myself in admiration with the amount of technical work placed in crafting these single player experiences. Through their wisecracking dialogue, explosive action sequences, and funny characters, each new installment continues to raise the standards of both the series story, and gameplay. While there are some linear elements that I'm not particularly fond of, the Uncharted series remains one of the closest things that players can get to a modern video game adaption of Indiana Jones. 

What are your thoughts on the Uncharted 4 trailer? Are you excited for these new features? Let us know in the comments below!

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Super famous games journalist currently based in Melbourne, Australia. When not writing for TechRaptor, Jason is also covering material for Digital Fox.… More about Jason

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