Last week we broke down the information shown off in the first of a new series of videos for the upcoming Tomb Raider game, Rise of the Tomb Raider, which spoke on the environments Lara will find herself adventuring in the upcoming game. The second video in the "Woman vs. Wild" series goes into the various types of combat Lara will be able to engage in, as well as the tools she'll have available.
The video starts off explaining that Lara finds herself in a situation where a group known as Trinity is willing to kill anyone in their way of their search for immortality. There are a lot of them, and they have a lot of weapons. So, Lara is definitely outmatched in that regard, but the emphasis of her combat will be in cleverly using what is around her to get the job done.
There is also a lot of emphasis in allowing the player to make the choice in how they play. That also comes into play for whether or not you want to engage in combat in the first place, as there will be opportunities to bypass enemies altogether through examining the environment for ways to slip passed or distracting enemies as you move on by. However, combat won't always be avoidable.
In those cases, there seems to be two basic approaches: in your face brawling or long range shooting. Both have their own skill tree to level up through, offering more ways to deal with enemies. They didn't go into what those trees will look like exactly, but one can assume they will assuredly facilitate the type of play you are looking for.
More opportunities to choose how you play come in the way you choose to upgrade weapons. Crafting will play a reasonable role, and each weapon will have its own set of upgrades to go along with it, changing your approach to combat as well, just like in the original game. However, now there are some new abilities that come in upgrading like a double headshot with the bow.
There is technically a third approach to combat that has everything to do with the environment, which utilizes crafting. In the original game, crafting was simply just for upgrades on gear. Now it becomes a third way to get in on the action with the ability to create makeshift ammo, like explosive arrows, and explosives, like Molotov cocktails. Of course, all playstyles will still be able to use certain things in the environment no matter what, like gas cans.
The final episode in the series will be coming soon to talk about the various tombs Lara will be exploring in Rise of the Tomb Raider, as well as the all new abilities she will need to use to traverse them. Make sure to check back then for more information!
Rise of the Tomb Raider releases in North America on November 10th for PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and Playstation 4.
What do you think of the combat in Rise of the Tomb Raider? What sort of things do you hope Lara will be able to do?