A new Pokémon game, titled Pokéland, is coming to smartphones.
Pokéland is the continuation of the Pokémon Rumble series, a set of action-arcade style games that were first released on the Nintendo Wii in 2009.
Pokéland will share similar features to Pokémon Rumble, including the ability to befriend defeated wild Pokémon and powering up your monsters with special attacks. Numerous levels are stringed together into various stages, similar to the old arcade game Smash TV, leading to a final boss battle against a legendary Pokémon.
Serebii.net also noted that players will unlock new islands when you spend diamonds, one of the in-game currencies. Other features include a special detector to find Pokémon which can only be used once every 30 minutes and powering up your Pokémon by using P and Gears obtained in the game.
The game does not have a release date yet, but a 10,000-user alpha test is currently underway, featuring 134 different Pokémon, 52 different stage types, six different islands and more. The alpha test began on May 31st, and will continue on to June 9th, but currently the user limit has been reached for the game.
Pokéland will be the fourth Pokémon game released for iOS and Android devices. The others include the popular Pokémon Go, Pokemon Duel and the recently released Magikarp Jump.
Quick Take
More Pokémon games on phone devices is easy money. Pokémon Go still has some juice left in the tank and Magikarp Jump has been doing really well for Nintendo, so reviving Pokémon Rumble for iOS and Androids is perfect.Nintendo has been doing mobile games really well since the release of Pokémon Go, offering what I feel like is a fair balance of free-to-play games with addictive gameplay attached to them.
Hopefully with the alpha test underway The Pokémon Company will work out all the kinks on the title before it officially releases. What do you think though? Leave your comments below.