In 1997, Kalisto Entertainment released Nightmare Creatures, a survival horror game that puts players in 1834 as they fight against a devil-worshipping cult who has managed to turn themselves into all sorts of monsters with the help of an elixir. With players fighting against creatures like werewolves, zombies, demons, hellhounds, gargoyles and more - the game certainly had a great gothic artstyle and horror element to it.
Now, 20 years later - Albino Moose Games has announced a brand new Nightmare Creatures game, set before and after the events of the original 1997 game. Players will get the opportunity to meet both familiar characters of the series, as well as ones they've never met before as they seek to once again stop Adam Crowley before he can discover the secrets of the Elixir.
(The Nightmare Creatures Video has been removed from YouTube)
While no date has accompanied the announcement in the video, it would seem this game isn't incredibly far off thanks to the fact that it's already in an Alpha stage of development. In addition, it would look like the developers are seeking to really stay true to the style and design of the original - because while the graphics aren't what people would consider "top notch" for 2017 - they are spot on for the look and feel of the original games.
Stay tuned, we're sure to hear more about Nightmare Creatures in the near future!
Update (May 20th, 2020) - Nightmare Creatures "Shelved" by developer.
Quick Take
Pretty amped about this. I've been wanting to grab an emulator the last few months and boot up the original just to play it again because sometimes nostalgia grips me and I want to see how different the game would be for me now that I'm not a 10-year-old kid that's scared out of my mind while playing! Love that they've decided to stick with the same art style, as well, although that may not appeal to everyone!