
New info on IOI's Hitman

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Published: May 28, 2014 12:52 PM


Io-Interactive have released new concept art and some info for the up coming Hitman title. We are told the game will take place in central Europe and the entire area, inside and out of the building in the picture above will be explorable.

Sadly it has also been revealed that they will not be at E3 this year. A quote from their website reads.

    First up, we’ve seen a lot of people talking about what we might be bringing to E3 this year. We know the worst thing is to hope for something that doesn’t turn up; so we wanted to let you know that our next Hitman is going to be under wraps for a bit longer

With some definite mixed reactions from some fans to the last Hitman game, IOI seems to be putting more of an effort into creating larger environments.

 you’ll be able to explore the entire building you see in the image, inside and out. For a sense of scale, the building on its own is larger than any location in Hitman Absolution.

The game was announced back in January 2014 and set to be released on the PlayStation 4, X-box One and PC. In an open letter in January Io-Interactive seemed to be taking the fan criticisms of Absolution seriously, saying they were "concentrates on the core Hitman fantasy".

They have said more details will be released later in the year but only once they are ready to.


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Writer for TechRaptor since 2014. An avid follower of the gaming industry that loves to write about it. Currently a student. From Glasgow, Scotland.

More Info About This Game
Learn More About HITMAN
Game Page HITMAN
IO Interactive
Square Enix
PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC
Release Date
March 11, 2016 (Calendar)
Stealth, Strategy
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