Update: The days have passed and as expected SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays has been officially announced, bringing with it a full trailer. Now that we have a better idea of the game we know that it will be coming to Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PC and will be released in 2019 in Japan. The Southeast will get a version of the game with English text so people eager to get their hands on the game can begin importing at this point.
From the official press release, we also know the list of series that are going to be included in the crossover battle.
Bandai Namco today had plans to reveal information about an upcoming Gundam title but it seems like they might have gotten their dates mixed up on their upload time. Late last night the new Gundam G Generation trailer was apparently accidentally released, revealing the game whose full title is SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays, before very quickly being taken down.
Before the official reveal was taken down though it had been copied and uploaded elsewhere. Between clips of Gundam duking it out the only information that we get on the game is that it's set after the PS4 title SD Gundam G Generation Genesis and alludes that "4 news worlds will cross..." The battle sequences that are shown in the trailer allow us to see a variety of weapon types including scoped rifles, missile barrages, and close up melee attacks.
For those who aren't familiar with the G Generation series of Gundam games, as opposed to the third person combat titles like the recent New Gundam Breaker it's an RTS where players are able to utilize a mother ship and different Mobile Suits to wage a full-scale war against one another.
As this teaser trailer was dropped ahead of its scheduled announcement time there is still a lot about this game that isn't known. The teaser trailer was meant to be revealed in Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation 2 at 7 pm JST with the upload to YouTube happening some time on January 22nd so it shouldn't be that long until it's uploaded again. With the official upload we can also likely expect more information about SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays, platforms it will be on, and potentially even a release window.
Are you excited that we'll be getting another G Generation title? Does the Gundam G Generation trailer leaked interest you? What do you think of the name SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays? Is this what you were expecting from the Gundam reveal?