Immortals Fenyx Rising: A New God release date Fenyx cover

A New God Comes to Immortals Fenyx Rising This Week

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Published: January 25, 2021 1:36 PM

The Immortals Fenyx Rising: A New God release date has been locked in for this week, getting the first piece of this game's DLC out less than two months after the game first launched.

As with many major multiplatform releases, Immortals Fenyx Rising had DLC plans ready to go prior to the launch of the game in late December 2020. Three pieces of DLC are arriving as part of the game's Season Pass, the first of which is A New God.

Missed the announcement? Check out what's coming this week (and in the future) in the Immortals Fenyx Rising Post-Launch and Season Pass gameplay trailer!

Now, Ubisoft has announced the Immortals Fenyx Rising: A New God release date along with a short explanation of what you can expect to see in this first piece of post-launch DLC. A New God has players experiencing a season of trials created by the gods; successfully completed these trials will allow you to unlock four ability upgrades and a new set of gear that allows you to perform additional jumps.

This DLC will be followed by two more pieces of content as part of the game's Season Pass. The second DLC will be Myths of the Eastern Realm, a new adventure set in the Far East that has you controlling a new character named Ku. The Season Pass will conclude with The Lost Gods, a tale where renegade Gods have abandoned their duties and displayed through an isometric viewpoint.

Immortals Fenyx Rising A New God release date slice

When is the Immortals Fenyx Rising: A New God Release Date?

The Immortals Fenyx Rising: A New God release date is January 28, 2021 — that's this Thursday! This first piece of DLC is arriving just under two months after the game launched back in early December 2020.

You can play this new DLC by buying Immortals Fenyx Rising for PC and consoles starting at $59.99 or your regional equivalent; obviously, you'll also need to have the season pass which is priced at $39.99. A price for this first piece of DLC has not yet been announced.

How do you think the first piece of Immortals Fenyx Rising DLC will fare compared to the base game? What do you think of the game thus far? Let us know in the comments below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Immortals Fenyx Rising
Release Date
December 3, 2020 (Calendar)
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