
New Civilization VI Spotlight Shows Off Greece's Second Leader Gorgo

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Published: October 13, 2016 9:24 AM

It's just a few more days until Sid Meier's Civilization VI becomes available to the public and Firaxis, in a surprise move, just announced that the Greek civ is going to have a second leader players can choose to play, mixing in some new mechanics with the existing Greek civ led by Pericles. This new leader is called Gorgo, and lived during what may just be the most interesting time in ancient Greek history: the Spartan Queen Gorgo!

Gorgo is one of the few female leaders mentioned by Herodotus, a Greek historian who is the biggest and most historian from ancient Greece, and was the wife of legendary Spartan King Leonidas. She was known as a wise and steadfast leader who stood by her king and advised him whenever he had need of her counsel.

Her Leader Ability is Thermopylae, named after the famous battleground where Spartan king Leonidas made his last stand against the Persian emperor Xerxes. This ability allows players to get 50% of an enemy unit's base strength back as culture, meaning that Greece can advance faster through minor skirmishes or all-out war.

Gorgo's Leader Agenda is 'With Your Shield Or On It', which plays into the historic stereotype that Spartan will never surrender nor will they bargain in the case of a defeat. Because of this ability, Gorgo never gives up anything when you try to broker a peace deal with her. She also has a dislike for civs that surrender in a peace deal and for civs who has never engaged in full-out war with another civ.

While having a unique set of tools just for her, she'll also be able to make use of the Acropolis unique tile improvement, unique unit, and the Plato's Republic special ability. You can read more about Greece's unique unit and tile improvement here.

While Pericles is the leader for more peaceful players, players who decide to play as Gorgo will still be able to take advantage of Greece's culture bonuses while also getting bonuses for combat, sustained or otherwise.

Another thing that is interesting to note is that this is the first time in the franchise's history where a faction has more than one leader to choose from. I wouldn't be too surprised if Civilization VI will get more faction leaders post-release as paid (or free) DLC.

What do you think of Gorgo and her abilities? Let us know in the comment section down below!

Chris Anderson
| Staff Writer

I've been playing games since I was just barely able to walk so I might as well write about them.

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Sid Meier's Civilization VI
Firaxis Games
2K Games
Release Date
October 21, 2016 (Calendar)
Strategy, 4X
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