Civilization VI Aztecs

New Civilization VI Spotlight Shows off the Aztecs, Preorder Bonus

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Published: July 21, 2016 11:52 AM

Another day, another preview for one of the civs coming to Civilization VI. This time, it's the Aztecs who are getting their time in the limelight, led by their ever magnanimous leader Montezuma.

Montezuma was the second emperor of the Aztec empire and the fifth king of the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan. He was responsible for consolidating the Aztec empire wand was a major figurehead in its expansion which would later be called the Triple Alliance. A passionate reformer, Montezuma sought to end the decadent lifestyles of the Aztec people. His then 19-year old son succeeded Montezuma after the latter died under mysterious circumstances, and went on to lose the entire empire to the invading Spanish led of Hernan Cortes. 

The Aztec unique ability is called Gifts for the Tlatoani, which makes luxury resources even more powerful to the Aztecs. Every different type of luxury resource improved on Aztec ground gives their military more fighting power, making them very powerful opponents if they settle their cities in the right place. Their builders also construct city districts faster than builders from other civs. 

Their unique building is the Tlachtli, which is a building the ancient Aztec used for sport and entertainment purposes. In the game, this unique building gives you extra amenities, faith and allows you to generate great general points faster. 

The Aztec's unique unit is the Eagle Warrior, which replaces the regular warrior available to other civs. These warriors were typically brave young sons of nobles who were added to this elite group within the Aztec military after they managed to capture 20 enemies in battle to serve as sacrificial tributes for the Gods. These powerful warriors can turn defeated enemies into builder units, allowing your empire to keep on growing faster during times of war. 

The Aztec civ is perfect for those who like to win their games in Civilization VI through combat. Their strong Eagle Warriors are a force to be reckoned with, with every defeated enemy unit potentially turning into a builder to construct improvements for the Aztecs, while their unique ability helps players to get the most out of their luxury resources. 

While everyone who buys the game will be able to play as the Aztecs, people who preorder the game from today on out will gain access to this civ at launch, with other players gaining access to them 90 days after launch. More info about that can be found here

What do you think of the Aztecs? Let us know in the comments!


Chris Anderson
| Staff Writer

I've been playing games since I was just barely able to walk so I might as well write about them.

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Sid Meier's Civilization VI
Firaxis Games
2K Games
Release Date
October 21, 2016 (Calendar)
Strategy, 4X
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