We've finally got some new gamepalaly for Bugsnax on PS5 and it looks like a doozy of a game. It combined first-person exploration, bug hunting and by the look of things, giant mosters you have to deal with. It also seems like there maybe some town management gameplay if one of the key lines from the new gameplay trailer is anything to go by: "Bring everyone back to Snaxburg".
According to a blog post from the official PlayStation Blog, Bugsnax will task the player with discovering the mysteries behind the titular combination between creepy-crawlies and food. As a reporter, it's your job to go around Snaktooth island, investigate the Bugsnax themselves, and interview the different island inhabitants to see what secrets they might be trying to keep from you.
We also know from the trailer that the entire game will take place in a first-person perspective and that it seems like you're going to have to deal with creatures of all sorts of sizes. Using traps you can capture and observe the different kinds of Bugsnax that roam the island. These different Bugsnax will also play a big part in getting secrets out of your different interview subjects too, since they'll stay clammed up unless you present them with their favourite Bugsnax.
If you want to get a look at the game for yourself you can watch the new trailer below and see for yourself the wonderful world of Bugsnax. Then if you really want more you can always check out the new song by Keri Keri Bonito which has been made especially for the game. We'll have to wait for the developers, Young Horses, to come out with more info if we want to learn more about this wonderful world.