Battlefield 4's new UI is out for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 as reported by VG 24/7. You can see the new UI in action here from YouTuber Battlelogic:
Alternatively, you can check out this Imgur album from YouTuber TheTacticalBrit.
The update follows an announcement from late June on the official Battlefield website that detailed the expected changes and a short beta period for a small number of users. The new UI is intended to easily link Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, and Battlefield 1 together in a unified system. Players will be able to switch between the three games through the menu rather than having to go through a longer boot process.
The new User Interface was deployed via a 4GB patch to the console versions of Battlefield 4. Battlefield Hardline has not yet received the update, and the new UI is expected to be good to go for the release of Battlefield 1 on October 21, 2016. There are no changes to the in-game UI or menus whatsoever; this is simply changes to the menus and organization for launching into matches and reading the latest news.
The update has had its share of problems as well. Redditors in this /r/Battlefield_4 thread have reported that their Favorites have been wiped. Some people are also having difficulty with text being illegible due to the background images on the menu. There are also some complaints about reduced utility in the server browser such as seeing specific server settings or indicating whether or not a commander is currently active in the game.
While the new update has been deployed to consoles, the PC version of the update has yet to roll out. No release date has been specified for the update to the PC version of the game.
What do you think of the changes to the Battlefield UI? Did you like Battlelog or are you glad to see it gone? Let us know in the comments below!