Are you ready to drive a cab? More specifically, the last cab operated by a human instead of a robot? Neo Cab offers this to you, and you don't have to wait long to play it.
Neo Cab is a mystery game where you need to try and figure out what happened to your best friend when they suddenly go missing. The best way to figure it out? Talking to the various passengers you have to pick up of course. While you need to keep making money and keep a good star rating up so you can still get jobs, you can also ask around for your missing friend. While you have to talk to people, you also need to keep track of driver Lina's mood. There's two active mood sliders, one between "happy" and "depressed" and the other between "angry" and "relaxed", and depending on what combination she's on Lina may respond differently to her passengers. The last thing you want is to blow up on someone who may tank your rating.
If this interests you, then good news. You don't have to wait long. Neo Cab will be launching on October 3rd. However, you can start playing the game right now, as a demo has also launched. You can grab the demo on Steam, or over on the Nintendo Switch. If you're still not sure if this is the game for you, we have a preview you can read as well, from when writer Robert Scarpinito tried the game out at E3 2019.
Neo Cab will be launching on PC and Nintendo Switch on October 3rd. The PC version will cost $14.99, while the Switch version is $19.99.
Are you excited for Neo Cab? Going to pick the game up? Excited to call an Uber and/or Lyft on your phone and get a robot that won't talk to you the whole ride? Let us know in the comments below!