A Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Title Update 5 banner showing Kamura Village in the background and the game's logo in the foreground

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Title Update 5 Release Date And More Revealed

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Published: April 19, 2023 10:20 AM

Capcom has revealed new details for the upcoming Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Title Update 5. The update is releasing tomorrow (surprise!) and brings a new monster to fight, a new Risen Elder Dragon to take on, and lots more content besides, so get ready to head back to Kamura.

As teased last week, this event was hosted by Fiorayne, voiced by Valerie Arem. First up, you'll be tasked with taking down an Amatsu, an elemental Elder Dragon first introduced in Monster Hunter Portable 3rd. This dragon can control the very elements themselves, summoning storms and lightning to hinder you when you take it on. You'll need to be at least MR 10 to fight the Amatsu.

There's also a brand new Risen Elder Dragon to take on in the form of Risen Shagaru Magala, which will present a tough challenge for even experienced hunters. You'll have to be MR 180 or above to take him on. Of course, there are special equipment pieces and skills up for grabs from both monsters, so you've got plenty of incentive to take them on as usual.

A new type of Investigation has also been introduced. Special Investigations will task you with taking on monsters with new modifiers; they might have increased strength and do more damage, for instance, or have access to wider breath attacks, necessitating a change in strategy. Capcom says these will be the toughest versions of the monsters you're fighting, so you'll have to complete Anomaly Investigations at level 300 to unlock them.

Of course, there's lots more coming to Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak in addition to new monsters and quests. The Melding Pot is getting an update in the form of Qurious Melding, which should make skill customization easier. New Event Quests are being added, giving you the chance to earn new poses, layered armor, and other rewards, including the impressively valiant Bloodmalice set and the adorable Lagombi Ears.

New paid DLC is also on the way to Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak in Title Update 5. You'll be able to buy a new set of stickers "drawn by Minoto herself", according to Capcom, and you'll also have the chance to purchase voice sets for the enthusiastic Jae and the calm and collected Oboro. A hairstyle reminiscent of Elgado's top researcher Bahari will also be available for purchase.

At the close of the trailer, we also got a sneak peek of what appears to be Sunbreak's final new monster, which will be arriving in June. Stay tuned for more info on that. In the meantime, Monster Hunter Rise is available on PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch, and Sunbreak is currently available on PC and Switch (it's coming to PlayStation and Xbox next week). If you're just getting started with Monster Hunter Rise, make sure you take a look at our guides so you can gear up as effectively as possible.

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for several years, and in those years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Monster Hunter Rise
Nintendo Switch, PC
Release Date
March 26, 2021 (Calendar)
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