Capcom released new details regarding their upcoming release of Monster Hunter Generations (known in Japan as Monster Hunter X) along with a trailer showcasing four distinct hunting styles. Combat is dictated heavily by weapon choice other Monster Hunter titles, but Generations will allow for further customization and, better yet, multiple avenues to approach monster encounters thanks to this new feature. The first of the four is Aerial Style, and it offers a short jump, known as an Aerial Dodge, for all weapon classes. Aerial Dodges work for evasion purposes or to help with mounting monsters. They can also be used to rain death from above on unsuspecting creatures. The second, known as Adept Style, provides hunters with Insta-Moves that require very precise timing to pull off. If your weapon of choice pairs with a heavy shield then an 'Insta-Block' occurs along with an immediate follow-up strike. The same idea applies to 'Insta-Evade', with plenty of invincible frames to allow for follow-up after the roll to get out of dodge or set up the next strike.
The third, known as Guild Style, will be most familiar to those who played Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and will, likely, be the style of choice for most returning players. The fourth hunting style, known as Striker Style, capitalizes on the other new addition to the game known as Hunter Arts. Hunters will build up towards new special moves (Hunter Arts) that can do a variety of things such as providing a healing fountain for everybody within a certain range, to the devastating Gun Lance Blast that propels a player forward that allows for quick follow-up with an overhead slam. That's just a few of 10 different Hunter Arts and three weapon-specific ones.
Monster Hunter Generations is set to be released in North America and Europa this Summer for the Nintendo 3DS. A playable build will be present at PAX East on April 22nd through 24th.
Are you eagerly awaiting Monster Hunter Generations? Do you have a crew ready to roll and protect the village from Astalos? Let us know in the comments below!