In a post on the official Scrolls website, Mojang have announced that their online card game Scrolls will be shutting down with Echoes being the last major content patch for the game.
After much deliberation, we’ve come to an important decision that we’d like to share: Echoes will be the last major content patch for Scrolls. We won’t be adding features or sets from now on, though we are planning to keep a close eye on game balance.This decision comes less then an year after Microsoft bought Mojang and it would appear that the studio is now wholly focused on Minecraft.
For now, the game can still be purchased and the servers are planned to stay up a little while longer.
Scrolls will still be available to purchase for the time being, and our servers will run until at least July 1st, 2016. All future proceeds will go towards keeping Scrolls playable for as long as possible.Scrolls was Mojang's first game after Minecraft but its prolong stay in beta didn't do the game much good, with hardly any marketing leading to people not knowing the game was even out. The release of Hearthstone would have also hurt the potential of the games playerbase to grow. The last time a lot of people heard about Scrolls was when ZeniMax, Bathesda's parent company, took legal action, claiming it infringed on their trademark for The Elder Scrolls.
The post ended with a thanks to players.
We’ve had a great time working on Scrolls, and appreciate every last player who’s downloaded our game. Extra big thanks to the most dedicated members of our community; some of you have logged in almost every day since release and dedicated a large portion of your time to dominating the leaderboards and taking care of new players. We salute you, honourable scrolldiers.It did seem like awfully bad luck that the game was released around the same time Hearthstone was announced, and of course the small but dedicated community for the game will be saddened by this news.
Scrolls entered open beta on June 3, 2013 and launched officially on December 11, 2014.