Microsoft Flight Simulator F4

Microsoft Flight Simulator Free F/A-18C Hornet Released; F-4 Phantom Gets New Screenshots; RV-10 Gets Release Date

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Published: January 27, 2023 11:38 PM

Third-party developers had plenty of news to share today about Microsoft Flight Simulator add-ons, including relevant releases.

Yet, we start with Microsoft itself, which announced that beta testing for the Aircraft & Avionics Update 1 is in its final phase and the developers are wrapping things up in preparation for a full release "soon."

We then move to DC Designs, which released the freeware F/A-18C promised a couple of months ago. It's currently available on offering another inexpensive option for those who want to fly a modern fighter jet and land on carriers.

We stay with DC Designs, and this time around we get a brand new look at the F-4 Phantom, alongside a development update detailing progress on the aircraft.

"The F-4 got its coat of dirtiness this week, as well as continued exterior modelling detail, mostly focusing around the gear bays. Spoilers were animated further with hydraulics and detailing, and I also build the US Navy refuelling probe and animated it ( the USAF fuel receptacle is already in place and animated atop the fuselage).

There is still a fair bit of detailing to do, around the undercarriage and also the exterior model’s cockpit interior ( if you see what I mean, the lower-poly version of where you sit ) and I need to position nodes for lights, but I’m closing in on completion of the exterior model now. Once done, the other variants’ details can be added in.

The virtual cockpit continues as well, and I should have something to show within two weeks or so. The great news is that thanks to Sim Acoustics, we have arranged a real-life recording of a Rolls Royce Spey engine to get the most accurate sounds possible for this product. The recording is planned for April, by which time the rest of the sounds and package will be ready, so that’s the likely launch window for the Phantoms now to ensure the most complete package launch we can create."

Next, Carenado released its Piper PA-28 Archer II. The aircraft is available on the official marketplace only, priced at $19.99, offering an affordable light general aviation aircraft.

Speaking of affordable light general aviation aircraft, SimWorks Studios announced that its Van's Aircraft RV-10 will be released on February 3 at 5:00 pm GMT. The price will be 14.99€. Availability in other stores will be announced next week. 

You can check out a trailer below.

Last, but not least, Orbx released a brand new scenery add-on, Helipads LA Police. This basically does what it says on the tin, including the LAPD heliport in Los Angeles, US, on top of buildings like the LAPD headquarters, the LA County jail, and many sheriff's department helipads. 

The developer promises "one of the biggest helicopter playgrounds in the world" available on Orbx Direct for $10.26.

Microsoft Flight Simulator is currently available for PC, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox Cloud Gaming, including Game Pass. If you'd like to learn more, you should stay tuned on TechRaptor as we host daily Microsoft Flight Simulator news to keep you updated on the many add-ons coming and released for the sim.

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| Former News Editor

Started as News Editor at TechRaptor in January 2023, following over 20 years of professional experience in gaming journalism both on print media and on the… More about Giuseppe

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020)
Asobo Studio
Xbox Game Studios
Release Date
August 18, 2020 (Calendar)
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