Microsoft's Xbox E3 2018 show kicked off with Halo Infinite.
We got to see a fantastic video showcasing the graphical fidelity of the engine. We got to see a variety of Earth-like scenery with animals that look like the kinds we would see on Earth but with slightly different features like a rhinoceros with two horns. We soon saw a few humanoid figures walking along a beach before they stopped at a pair of stone rings to deploy a smoke flair. The camera panned back to reveal a man clan in green armor, eventually revealing the iconing helmet of Master Chief. The screen then pulled back to show a Warthog driving along the landscape before we got the title drop of Halo Infinite.
This demo is showing off the Slipspace engine, the backbone of Halo Infinite. At the time of its reveal, all we had on Halo Infinite was the name of the game and an engine demo showing off some absolutely spectacular footage.
A news post on Xbox's website has some more concrete details about what we can expect from Halo Infinite. It will be a brand-new experience in the franchise that continues the story and focuses on Master Chief. Hardcore fans of the series should be paying particularly close attention to the trailer - 343 Industries notes that there are several Easter Eggs buried throughout the trailer for fans of the franchise to spot.
As for the Slipspace engine, it's been said to be designed to power this upcoming Halo experience and all future experiences in the franchise. What they've shown us is certainly impressive, and I'm sure that Halo fans will appreciate the step up in graphical fidelity. While impressive, a news post from 343 Industries indicates that we'll have a bit of a wait until we're able to get our hands on this game.
If you want to know more about this and other announcements happening at E3 then be sure to check out our E3 2018 Coverage Hub.
What do you think of Halo Infinite? What do you think it will be about? Let us know in the comments below!